Waiohine Gorge
The Waiohine Gorge is one of the entrances to the Tararua Forest Park and the road into
it terminates at Wall's Whare a popular picnic spot, camping area and set off point
for trampers.
The 1.5 hour Loop Track begins close to the road and passes through
both exotic and native forest before returning to the road about 1 km. down the valley.
The Waiohine River here is crossed by a spectacular swing bridge which is said to
be the longest of its type in New Zealand.
Birds to look for: Pied Fantail, Grey Warbler, Tomtit,
Tui, Bellbird, New Zealand Pigeon,
Rifleman, Silvereye, Whitehead,
Eastern Rosella, Blackbird, Song Thrush
and Dunnock.
As you are en-route, driving through the more open, farmland country look for
Australasian Harrier, Australian Magpie, Pukeko,
Kingfisher, Californian Quail, Mallard,
Paradise Shelduck, Spur-winged Plover, Pied Stilt,
White-faced Heron, Starling and Yellowhammer.
How to get there
The well sign-posted Waiohine Gorge Road (also known locally as Swamp Road)
comes off Highway 2 on the west side just north
of the Waiohine River Bridge.
Continue on this until you reach Moffet's Road where you turn right.
You will soon encounter a railway crossing with no lights or bells (beware!).
The next turn left takes you into Joseph's Road which approaches the river and follows
it to Wall's Whare.
The first 8 kms are sealed, but the remainder is gravel.
This is still a good road and perfectly adequate for ordinary cars
but in wet conditions some of the concreted fords may carry quite a lot of water
and be a little difficult.
Rafting and kayaking in the Waiohine Gorge can be arranged through
the Adventure Centre, Greytown. Phone 06 304 8565
For more tourist information on this region, please
check the Tourism Wairarapa Web site